What's New in NetForum Enterprise Summer 2023 Release (29)


This article describes the changes and resolved issues for this version of the product.

What's New Overview

Enhancements & Updates

  • Non-sufficient funds (NSF) functionality is now available for ACH payments. For more information on setup and usage, refer to the Non-sufficient funds (NSF) functionality for ACH Payments article.
  • The Membership Renewal task "Create Invoices" has been updated to allow running in multi-thread asynchronous mode (parallel processing of more than one sequential task); this permits the processing of multiple membership records at the same time. To enable parallel processing for the Membership Renewal task, refer to the Enabling Parallel Processing for Membership Renewal Task article.

    Note: By default, the Parallel Processing task setting is disabled; you must enable it to take advantage of this performance improvement.  If your membership renewal process is customized, please check with Customer Support to see if your customization needs to be updated to take advantage of this new functionality.

  • Google will end support for Google Universal Analytics on July 1, 2023. Google Analytics 4 will replace Google Universal Analytics. The necessary updates have been made in NetForum to support Google Analytics 4; as a part of this upgrade, Google Tag Manager is available as a baseline integration when your NetForum application is upgraded to Service Package 29.

    If you need assistance setting up Google Analytics 4 for your web application, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

  • A-Score Functionality Enhancements: 

    • A new child form Customer action scores has been added under the Scoring tab of the Individual profile page. The Customer action scores child form displays all actions and the points assigned for that specific action to the customer. The child form displays the following columns:

      • Scale: This column displays the name of the scoring scale.
      • Weight: This column displays the scoring weight issued to the action performed.
      • Action: This column displays the name of the action performed by the customer.
      • Action Date: This column displays the date the action took place.
      • Applies: This column displays to whom this action applies (Such as Self, Organization, Chapter Relationship, or Membership).
      • Aggregate: This column displays whether the action score is due to aggregate weight.
    • The Scoring Scale Task profile (Admin > Task Scheduler > List Tasks > Scoring Scale Task > Scoring Scale Task profile) has been updated with a new child form All dependent tasks. The All dependent tasks child form is intended to show all tasks that cascade after the task shown on the Scoring Scale Task profile.

    • The List Customer Action Score form (CRM > More > Find Customer Action Score > List Customer Action Score form) now displays additional information:

      • Applies: This column indicates to whom the action applies (Such as Self or Organization).
      • Weight: This column displays the scoring weight value for the customer action.
      • Aggregate: This column indicates whether the action score is due to aggregate weight.

      Additionally, the Value column on this form is now correctly populated (previously, it was always empty).

    • The Customer Name field on the Edit Scoring Customer History form (CRM > More > Find - Scoring Customer History > List Scoring Customer History > Edit Scoring Customer History form) is now a hyperlink to the Customer profile.  Additionally, the PointsDate From, & Date Through fields have been changed to read-only. 
    • On the Edit Customer Action profile (CRM > More > Find Customer Action > List Customer Action > Edit Customer Action profile) the Customer Name is now a hyperlink to the profile of the Customer. 
    • The Edit Customer Action Score form (CRM > More > Find Customer Action Score > List Customer Action Score > Edit Customer Action Score profile) has been updated with new fields, Customer Name (including a hyperlink to the customer profile) and Weight.
    • Scoring workflow has been added for the following customer action types (CRM > Overview > Customer Setup > Customer Setup profile > Scoring tab > Customer Action Type child form):

      • Expand CRM action type line item > Customer Action Types grandchild form > Advocacy Action customer action type
      • Expand CEU action type line item > Customer Action Types grandchild form > CEU Credits customer action type

      Additionally, the CMS-related customer action type workflows have been removed as they are no longer used.

  • The Order Confirmation Template has been updated to include a new column, 'Credit Applied.' The Credit Applied column displays the total of credits (if any) that have been applied to the invoice.
  • The Adjust Installments form has been updated with a new column, 'Balance' (read-only). Along with this addition, the following updates have been made to the Adjust Installments functionality:

    If an installment is partially paid, you can use the recalculate button to redistribute the unpaid balance into the remaining scheduled payments. The balance will be auto-distributed based on the frequency and number of installments defined when you click the recalculate button.


    When an installment billing order is updated in this scenario, the system will perform the following tasks when you click the Save button:

    1. The system will void the partially paid installment invoice, creating a credit with the payment amount.
    2. An installment invoice equal to the payment amount will be created, and the credit (created in Step 1) will be applied to that invoice. 

    If the batch containing the partially paid (and now voided) invoice has been closed, then a new batch will be automatically generated for the creation of the new installment invoice and the application of the payment. This batch will include ADJUST-INSTALLMENT in the name (example: 2023-02-24-ADJUST-INSTALLMENT-001).

  • In this release, support for additional browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox) has been added to the basic Form Designer functionality (for both Current and Classic UI) using four layout forms (Table, Division, Fixed, and Consistent UI).

    Users can now perform the following basic operations in the new Form Designer (Toolkit > Forms > Find Forms or List Forms > Form profile):

    • Property select
    • Drag, Move, and Resize controls
    • Rows/Columns insert and delete
    • Multi Control Select by using the "Ctrl" Key
    • Change Tab Order 

    Note: The Multi-Select-Drag option is not currently available; this will be added in a future release.  Until then, users can perform advanced Form Designer operations on the Microsoft Edge browser using the IE mode option.

  • eWeb Security Update: NetForum has introduced a new system option (SavedPaymentWaitTime) to define the amount of time (in seconds) that must elapse between adding stored payment methods via eWeb > My Profile > My Saved Payment Information page.  If an attempt is made to add another stored payment method within the rate-limiting time defined in the system option, an error message will be displayed: 'You must wait before entering additional payment information.' For more information, refer to the SavedPaymentWaitTime system option article.
  • Bootstrap Upgrade: The Bootstrap library for the NetForum iWeb and eWeb applications has been upgraded to version 5.2.2. To upgrade your eWeb site to Bootstrap Version 5.2.2, follow the setup steps mentioned in the Upgrading eWeb Site to Bootstrap Version 5.2.2 article.

    Note: Bootstrap version 5 does not work with Internet Explorer.

  • In this release, NetForum has made changes to the Remember Me functionality. The session cookie was reimplemented. A new system option, eWebRememberMeExpiration, has been added that controls how long the Remember Me cookie remains valid, defaulting to 1440 minutes (1 day). For more information, refer to the eWebRememberMeExpiration system option article.
  • In this release, reCAPTCHA functionality implementation has been extended to secure all the eWeb forms that deal with the entries for Payment  Information. Here is the list of eWeb forms covered as a part of this enhancement:

    • My Profile -> My Account Links -> My Saved Payment Information -> Add Saved Payment -> Payment Method Information form
    • My Profile > My Account Links -> My Membership -> Enroll Now link -> Automatic Membership Renewal | Customer Payment Info form
    • My Profile > My Account Links -> My Automatic Payments -> Order link -> Update Payment Information section -> Add button for new card/account -> Payment Method Information form
    • Online Store -> Browse store categories drop-down field-> Make a Pledge -> Pledge Information form (for both Anonymous and logged-in users)
    • Online Store Shopping Cart - Shopping Cart | Payment form - Payment Information form

    For information on enabling and using the reCAPTCHA functionality, refer to the Enabling reCAPTCHA Functionality topic.

  • Release 28 added the RedirectWhitelist system option to control what domain(s) a user can be redirected to from NetForum (eWeb). This Release extends the functionality to redirect to subdomains when supplying only the master domain in the system option.

    For examplesubdomain.domain.com will be allowed if the domain.com is listed in the RedirectWhitelist system option.

  • Framework Updates:
    • The Newtonsoft.Json package has been upgraded to the latest version, 13.0.1. This update covers all projects using Newtonsoft.Json in iWeb, eWeb, and xWeb applications.
    • For NetForum Cloud, cached XML data previously stored in the CacheRoot\Cache\XML folder will now be stored in Redis.

      The Admin > Overview > Clear Cache functionality will now also delete everything in the CacheRoot\Cache\XML folder (for hosted NetForum application) and equivalent Redis location (for NetForum Cloud).

      Also, the public classes Avectra.netForum.xWeb.DynamicXmlBuilder.XmlCacher and Avectra.netForum.Data.XslUtils.XmlCacher no longer have the public field "szCacheFolder".

    • All direct references to System.Web.HttpUtility have been encapsulated into CommunityBrands.netForum.NfeHttpClasses.NfeHttpUtility, and previous references to System.Web.HttpUtility have been replaced by CommunityBrands.netForum.NfeHttpClasses.NfeHttpUtility.
  • Log4net update: All log4net files are now stored in the newly added Logs folder instead of the sites folder.

    -\{SITEFOLDER}\eWeb -> file location changed to -> \{SITEFOLDER}\Logs\eWeb

    -\{SITEFOLDER}\iWeb -> file location changed to -> \{SITEFOLDER}\Logs\iWeb

    -\{SITEFOLDER}\xWeb -> file location changed to -> \{SITEFOLDER}\Logs\xWeb 

    -\{SITEFOLDER}\Binaries -> file location changed to -> \{SITEFOLDER}\Logs\ ScheduledTask

  • jQuery UI Upgrade: jQuery UI for the NetForum iWeb application has been upgraded to the latest version, 1.13.2. 
  • After the Jquery version upgrade (in the Spring Release 28), it was observed that SignalR functionality in the NetForum project caused frequent Console warnings. Given there is no current usage of the SignalR functionality in the NetForum project, this functionality has been deprecated in this release.
  • In preparation for a future switch from System.Data.SqlClient to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient, NetForum has removed unused references to System.Data.SqlClient and added the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient nuget package to projects that will require it.  For now, however, NetForum continues to use System.Data.SqlClient.
  • Performance Update: The SQL code has been optimized for the following views to improve system performance.

    • vw_ac_credit_detail_available
    • vw_chapter_member_attributes
    • vw_customer_member_flag
    • vw_individual_attributes
    • vw_individual_organization_attributes
    • vw_membership_proxy_attributes
  • NetForum has updated the Get Help menu links and the user assistance links on the User Profile. Here is the list of the updated links in the iWeb application for reference:

    Get Help:

    User Profile:

UI Conversions

Below is the list of pages converted to the Current UI:

Module Description
  • CRM > Requests > List Requests > Customer Request Profile (switch to ClassicUI): click Edit > Edit Customer Request
  • Sales > Opportunities > Opportunity Profile > Primary tab > Customer Request child form: GoTo Request > Customer Request Profile (switch to ClassicUI): click Edit > Edit Customer Request
  • Sales > Opportunities > Opportunity Profile > Primary tab > Requests and Activities child form: GoTo Request > Customer Request Profile (switch to ClassicUI): click Edit > Edit Customer Request
  • Events > Event Planning > Find/List Events > Event Profile > Course tab > Course child form > Add/ Edit Event Course form
  • Events > Sessions > Find/List Sessions > Session Profile > Course tab > Course child form > Add/ Edit Event Course form


Resolved Issues

The following list contains issues that were fixed in NetForum Summer Release (29). The TFS/Azure issue number is included for your reference.

TFS/Azure ID Product Area Description
140604 Accounting Optimized Deferrals: When the price/rate is updated from the subscriber profile for a deferred subscription purchase that has a proforma invoice, the system no longer erroneously creates a deferral header record.
140517 Accounting If a customer purchases a National and a Chapter membership with installments as payment type, upon generating all the installments for the order, the system now correctly populates amounts for the final installment on the Order->product grandchild form on the Invoice profile.
126245 Accounting When a discounted merchandise item is returned, the transaction date of the associated Miscellaneous transaction will be set to the batch date rather than the date the item was returned. 
135431 Accounting

Prior to this release, overriding the credit amount when cancelling a taxed item would result in an incorrect "credit amount" for tax. To mitigate this issue, the credit amount field on the Return/Cancel form is now disabled when cancelling items that include a tax amount (the system no longer allows you to override the credit amount). If the line item on the Return/Cancel form does not have tax, the system allows you to override the credit amount.

Note: If you do not want to give the customer the entirety of the system calculated credit amount, you can write off the portion of the credit that you want to keep. If you plan to give back more than the default credit amount, you must manually create a credit that hits the appropriate GL accounts and then refund that.

140293 Accounting The system now correctly debits the Return G/L account when an installment (billing) invoice for a deferred membership is returned/cancelled. Previously, the Deferred G/L account was debited. Note that Installment (billing) invoices are not deferred; the installment itself serves that purpose.
140021 Accounting
Optimized Deferrals: When a batch is moved into a future accounting period, the system will now check to see if any transactions within the batch are associated with a price that has a Recognize After date/Date to Recognize Revenue prior to the new batch date. If yes, then the system will remove the existing deferral header and detail records on the Deferral Header child form (Accounting > Invoice Detail Profile > Deferred Revenue tab).
In other words, these transactions will no longer be deferred.
134625 Accounting For an installment billing invoice, if you partially pay an installment from the schedule and then go to Adjust Installments form to make an adjustment, the Adjust Installments form now displays the correct balance on the Balance field. Previously, the expected balance was displayed rather than the actual balance (based on payments made to date).
139945 Accounting When the Vertex Integration is configured and enabled, the system now generates the correct credit amount if a fulfillment order containing a discount and Vertex tax is returned/cancelled.
140666 Accounting

The Import from Intacct button is once again correctly enabled on Accounting -> Overview -> Accounting Setup -> Classes, Departments, Locations, Segments child forms and Accounting -> Business Unit Profile -> GL Accounts tab -> Projects child form with the following system option configuration:

  • EnableNewUI = All
  • GLEnableClassBasedAccounting = true
  • GLGenerateAccountCode = true
  • BatchExportFormat = Intacct
136876 Admin If you upload an Excel import file via Admin > File Definition and schedule an Import file task to update existing records, the system now correctly updates the records to match the values in the Excel file.
136923 Baseline Reports/Queries Query Builder Tool: When running queries with defined display columns and exporting the query results in Excel or .CSV format, the exported data now includes the cst_key. For example, running invoice type (or membership type) queries with defined display columns now includes the inv_cst_key (or mbr_cst_key) in the exported file.
134112 Baseline Reports/Queries Address Correction Tool: The Address Correction form now correctly fetches the selected records from the Query or Find Results page. Previously, the records count remained zero on the Address Correction form when fetching it from the Query or Find Results page.
140705 CEU On the CEU module > CEU Credit group item > Add CEU Credit form > Sort Name lookup field, selecting a record using the type-ahead suggestion now populates the individual record on the Sort Name lookup field. Similarly, using the type-ahead suggestion functionality, an advertiser record now populates on the Advertiser lookup field (Advertising module > Insertion Orders group item > Copy Insertion Order form). Previously, records were not populated using the type-ahead suggestion for these lookup fields.
140904 CRM On an Individual profile > Edit Name & Address form, if you search for an organization using the organization lookup (search icon) on the Organization field and select a record on the Search Results pop-up, the organization record now gets selected from the Search Results pop-up. Previously, the Search Results pop-up was not responding to the organization record selection.
140969 CRM When you set up and save a File Definition for schedule Import on the Import Process Setup -> Schedule Import -> Schedule Import form, triggering the Schedule task for scheduled import no longer generates 'Unable to import from Excel file ("sample1.xlsx ").' error message in the error logs.
117097 & 140217 CRM Individual records generated via prospect imports now populate the cst_src_key on the Source code lookup field available on the Edit Name & Address form (CRM > Individual profile > Edit Name & Address form). Previously, the Source code lookup field remained blank for individual records generated via prospect imports.
135743 CRM
AddressCorrection (Group 1 only): The system now correctly displays the "Address Cannot be Found" error when entering an incorrect or incomplete address. Previously, an incomplete error message was displayed.  
This applies only to systems with the following system option configuration: 
  • AutoAcceptValidation: none
  • AddressCorrectionEnabled: both​
  • AddressCorrection: "Group1"
  • Group1Endpoint: "ValidateAddress"
  • Group1UseMixedCase: "false"
135724 CRM A-Score: A-Score Scoring Trends are now correctly updated on the Profile Information Panel of individual records (i.e., the stored procedure co_customer_cst_score_trend_update now correctly updates the cst_score_trend column).
139191 CRM

A-Score: A Scoring Scale based on Contact Requests with Aggregate Scoring Weight no longer prevents adding a request and inserting a scoring history in the system. Similarly, for Scale, Customer Actions, and Qualifiers Task, the Scoring scale with Aggregate Scoring Weight no longer prevents inserting a scoring history.

Note: If two or more rows are created in the Scoring History table, the system will use the Max aggregate function to calculate scoring points.

119818 CRM A-Score: Queries available in the qualification query drop-down field (related to the selected object) on the Edit Scoring Weight form (CRM > Scoring Scale profile > Primary tab > Scoring weights child form) can now be selected/updated as needed. Previously, the qualification query drop-down field on the Edit Scoring Weight form remained blank.
135691 CRM A-Score: The Scoring Scale Task with the task option ScaleAndCompositesAndWeights now runs and completes successfully.
140607 CRM

A-Score: A Soft Deleted scoring weight will no longer be listed under the Current scoring scales and the Scoring history child forms after executing the "Recurring Maintenance Task for All Scales" task. Similarly, when the "Scale, Customer Actions, and Qualifiers for this Scale and Composite Scales" task is executed, the system removes the Soft Deleted scoring weight from the Current scoring scales and the Scoring history child forms.

In order to update all scales and scores that were using a deleted weight, you should run the scale task on the primary scale, e.g., A-Score, with the option "Scale, Customer Actions, and Qualifiers for this Scale and Composite Scale" and a date range for all the scores to be updated. Scores outside of the date range will not be updated. If multiple years need to be covered, it is recommended to run the task for each year.


  • The initial "Recurring Maintenance Task for All Scales" run removes soft deleted weight for the current month only (Current scoring scales / Scoring history child forms).
  • The sequential "Recurring Maintenance Task for All Scales" run removes soft deleted weight for the months specified in SO AScoreGenerateScoringHistoryMonthsMax (Scoring history child form).
135720 CRM A-Score: On the Edit Scoring Weight form (CRM > Customer Setup > Scoring > Scoring Scale > Scoring Weight Profile), the Qualification Type drop-down field now correctly displays the available options (NoneQuery, and Column) for all action types. 
140023 CRM Combine/Merge Dups: When merging Individuals (and including Relationships), the system will merge all Individual-Organization relationships to the record to be kept, including end dated relationships. This includes multiple relationships to the same organization with the same relationship type.
105196 CRM & Membership

For the below-mentioned Add forms, the Date picker placement has been adjusted so that it does not cover the selected date entry field.  

  • CRM > Individuals > Individual Profile > Relations tab > Related Individuals, Chapter Relationships, and Chapter Officers child form > Add
  • Membership > Chapters > Chapter Profile > Relations tab > Chapter relationships and Chapter officers child form >Add
81302 eWeb When completing the checkout process for a shippable item on eWeb, the system now populates the customer name on eWeb -> Online Store Shopping Cart -> Shopping Cart | Shipping form. Also, the customer can now change the preferred shipping method after selecting a method. Previously the Customer field remained blank on the Shopping Cart | Shipping form and the Pick shipping method field could not be changed once updated.
115678 eWeb

Users no longer encounter an error when attempting to download a purchased downloadable product on eWeb.

Note: If you are using an external URL for a downloadable product, you must add the domain name of the external URL in the RedirectWhitelist system option.

134467 eWeb For eweb, support for stand-alone event registrations that don't require the shopping cart has been restored. We've added necessary checks to ensure features developed for registrations using the shopping cart don't prevent custom event registration forms from working.
140483 eWeb While enrolling in Automatic Membership Renewal (eWeb > My Account Links > My Memberships), if the user enters an incorrect credit card number (on the Automatic Membership Renewal | Customer Payment Info page) and then updates it after first attempting to Save and Proceed, the system no longer displays the Missing CC_NUM. Missing CC_NUM error. The user is able to update the credit card number and proceed forward to complete the autopay enrollment process.
140758 Framework The DateTimePicker functionality on Classic UI forms was impacted by the jQuery upgrades in SP 28. The issue has been fixed in this Release.
140719 Framework With the WorkFlowEnabled system option set to true, active Workflow Rules triggered by a Scheduled Task processing no longer log the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error in the database. Please note this bug was introduced in Release 28 and is resolved with this Release; previous releases do not have this issue.
140486 Framework In this release, NetForum has removed deprecated projects (UpgradeTool/Administration and KeywordGenerator projects) and all supporting files and references from the NetForum Enterprise solution.
139873 Framework

The File Uploader widget available on the below-mentioned forms now uploads files successfully, and the uploaded file URL now displays on the profile. 

  • Abstract > Submissions > Add/Edit Abstract Submission
  • CRM > Overview > Customer Request Setup > Related Documents child form > Add/Edit Customer Request Document
  • Subscriptions > Issues > Issue Profile > Edit > Edit Subscription Issues
141016 Framework Form Designer: Some controls on the Properties window (Toolkit > Forms > Find Forms > New Individual Eweb (TL) form > Classic UI > ClassicUI Designer > Form Designer) were impacted by the latest jQuery upgrades. This issue has been fixed in this Release.
135609 Fundraising When a gift is voided, any soft credits that were granted by the gift are now removed (Constituent profile of Soft Credit Recipient > Donations tab > Soft Credits child form).
139629 Inventory When cancelling a fulfillment order linked to multiple warehouses, the system now correctly adjusts the committed and available quantities of the product on the Warehouse line item (Inventory module> Merchandise Profile > Inventory child form).
139655 Membership Performance improvement for Membership Renewal Scheduled Tasks when automatic (auto-pay) membership renewals are included.

136165 & 134702

Organization to Organization Relationships (Example: Parent / Child) that grant benefit flow down will correctly apply benefit flow down regardless of whether they are added from the Parent in the relationship or the Child. Previously, if you added the relationship from the Child Organization, it did not work.

Additionally, the Organization memberships child form on the Child Organization profile now displays both self and inherited membership entries.


Note: The words "Parent" and "Child" are used here as example Organization to Organization Relationship Types, but they are not required for the functionality to work. Associations may choose to name their Org-to-Org Relationship Types something else, such as Headquarters/Subsidiary or Main Office/Branch Office. The "Parent" flag on the relationship type is not related to the control of benefit flow down.

It is important to note that proper setup is critical for benefit flow down to work between Organizations. Unlike Ind-to-Org relationships (where there is only a single relationship type to consider), Org-to-Org relationships are reciprocal; two Relationship Types may be selected. The Relationship Type of the record that owns the membership (the Parent, in our example) is the one that must be flagged as granting benefit flow down, not the Relationship Type of the record that is receiving the benefit of the membership (the Child, in our example).  

If the "Child" relationship has membership benefit flow down enabled, then the membership will flow "up" and not "down."


For more information on the membership benefits flow down scenarios, refer to the Membership Benefits Flow Down for Organization To Organization Relationship article.

118107 Membership Membership benefit flow down between related individuals now works correctly regardless of where the Individual to Individual relationship is added. Previously, the flow down only worked if the relationship was created from the member record. For more information about how to configure benefit flow down between related customers, please see the Membership Benefits Flow Down section in the Member Type article.
139487 xWeb When executing the GetDynamicQuery request in the SOAP UI for a non-distinct query with "{currentdate}" (query built in iWeb), the GetDynamicQuery method now retrieves data correctly from the query without conversion error.


Patch Release (29.1)

TFS/Azure ID Product Area Description
141858 Framework Form Designer: A browser-specific issue (for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge) has been addressed as part of this Patch release, where the user was unable to add controls to a newly added form (Toolkit > Forms > Add Form), i.e., on an empty form. After opening the form designer and saving the form, the system now displays the controls under the Designed form controls child form (Toolkit > Forms > Dynamic Form profile > Controls tab) once they were added to a newly added form, e.g., the "DesignArea" control on the empty form.
141983 Toolkit

The 'Classic UI' and '2017 UI' profile menus (Toolkit module > Forms group item> Find/List/Query Forms > Dynamic Form profile) have been merged as a 'UI' profile menu to make it consistent for all the Dynamic Form profiles. Additionally, the 'Classic UI designer' link label on the menu has been changed to 'Form designer'. The Classic and 2017 UI menu links are now listed under the UI profile menu as applicable.

Note: The menu links available under the UI profile menu are based on the type of form being used.


Patch Release (29.2)

TFS/Azure ID Product Area Description
142104 eWeb

Google Analytics 4 Update: The e-commerce purchase data now gets listed on the E-commerce purchases report (Login to Google Analytics > Reports > Monetization > E-commerce purchases) in Google Analytics.

Note: To access detailed data and view the actual pages hit in the Reports section, you will need to wait 24 to 48 hours.

142059 xWeb

The xWeb security update implemented in Release 28 will now include a search for potential signatures of prohibited content within the parameters during the execution of the xWeb's ExecuteMethod web service.  Previously, the system's scanning process was limited to identifying specific prohibited keywords such as "GRANT, DENY, etc." resulting in the unintentional blocking of safe content such as emails containing "GRANT" as part of a name (for example, grant.test@test.com).


Patch Release (29.3)

TFS/Azure ID Product Area Description
142526 Accounting When a user adds a terms or proforma invoice with multiple line items, including products priced at $0.00, to the cart for checkout on eWeb, the system will now display all line items, including the products priced at $0.00, on the Shopping Cart | View page when completing the payment process.
142551 Accounting If an invoice with tax(es) or shipping is paid using ACH, applying NSF to the ACH payment will no longer add duplicate adjustment line items in the Adjustments child form (Batch profile > Adjustments tab) for the taxes or shipping involved in the transaction, and there will be no void or refund for the duplicate tax or shipping payment with the payment processor.
142731 xWeb When performing the GetDynamicQuery request in SOAP UI, if the szOueryName string (query name) in the request is not specified or left blank, the response will once again return a list of queries for the associated object.


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