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What's New in NetForum Enterprise 2017.1.20


This article describes the changes and resolved issues for this version of the product.

What's New Overview


Resolved Issues


  • For Fundraising > Gifts > Query - Fundraising Gifts, below mentioned tables have been added in the Columns to Query drop-down list under the Query Conditions tab.
    • Payment Detail::
    • Payment::
    • Pledge::
    • Order::
  • For Fundraising > Pledges > Query - Fundraising Pledge, below mentioned tables have been added in the Columns to Query drop-down list under the Query Conditions tab. Also, a view named vw_oe_order_detail_schedule has been included to support the custom queries.
    • Order Detail::
    • Order Detail Schedule::

    These updates enable the user to run a more specific queries to get results for their fundraising gift and pledge related activities.

  • The Pledge Reminder Report form on Report Central has been updated to include an Include Paid Installments check box. This check box provides an ability to include or exclude fully paid pledge installments in the Pledge Reminder Report results. By default, the Include Paid Installments check box is unchecked on the Pledge Reminder Report form.

Resolved Issues

The following list contains Classic UI issues that were fixed in NetForum 2017.1.20 service pack. The Netsuite issue number is included for your reference.

Netsuite ID Product Area Description
26145 Accounting When you purchase any product through eWeb using a credit card, and later if you edit the credit card payment details on the Edit Payment form in iWeb, the Batch field on the Edit Payment form now auto-populates the batch ("WEB" batch) which was selected during purchase.
25809 Accounting Voiding the Finance Charge for an installment order now only voids the invoice related to the finance charge and not the whole order.
26382 Accounting While the EnableMulticurrency system option is turned ON, if a proforma invoice is converted to installment payment and the payment for the installments are made, then the Line Items and Payments child forms will not duplicate line items on the Invoice profile in their respective tabs.
26274 Accounting When the Revenue Recognition Process is triggered on the Accounting Period profile, the Misc Transaction processing now populates an error, if any occurred during processing in the database.
26609 Accounting While EnableMulticurrency system option turned ON, if you convert a proforma invoice into installment payments, the line items and payments are not duplicated now. Also, the related batch now gets balanced and closed successfully with required ledger entries inserted in the system.
26512 Accounting

On the Accounting > Payment > Add Payment wizard, if you clear the Auto Default check box and update the Payment Amount with value greater than or equal to 1000, the system now retains the updated values in the Payment Amount field.

Note: The purpose of the Auto Default checkbox on the Add Payment wizard is to auto-populate the full amount of the invoice(s) in the Payment Amount field. To make the Payment Amount field editable, uncheck the Auto Default checkbox.

26481 Centralized Order Entry On the COE form, when adding a bundle product containing certification and exam with discount applied, the system now handles and displays the bundle components with discount properly as per the setup done initially.
26589 CRM The Addresses child form on the profile now reflects the latest change when updating an existing address record with the billing address check box as checked.
26096 E-Marketing When you edit a Call to Action, the system now retains and displays the from name and reply to values in the database based on your Call to Action setup.
26096 E-Marketing While creating a Call to Action, if an email alias is selected as From email address, then the Edit Schedule Job form now reflects the same alias email on the from e-mail address field.
26467 Events The Event Statistics Report now displays the correct data for the report.
26515 eWeb On eWeb, when a user attempts to purchase a product with auto-apply discount, the system now displays the Cardholder's name and Expiration date on the Shopping Cart | Confirm your order page and the order gets submitted successfully.
26427 eWeb eWeb Security Update: The eWeb logout.aspx will not redirect to any website when the eWeb user is logged out.
26502 eWeb The system now handles more than one parsed value in URL_success parameter properly and redirects the user to the specified URL after validating the eWeb login, even if the NFEPEwebRequestValidator is enabled is the eWeb web.config.
26452 Inventory When purchasing a Bundle product containing Certification Program and Exam (Exam is not associated to any course) being the bundle components, the system now adds the bundle product to the line items field without error.
26043 Membership A membership record is now being fetched by the Membership Mass Renewal Task for renewal even after the initially renewed installment order(s) and related invoice(s) were voided.
25956 Membership If you update a previously prepaid membership to select the auto-pay membership option with a payment method attached also update it to renew by installment, and later when you run the Membership Renewal task, the system now updates the Order-Installment Profile with the auto-pay installments flag and displays the payment method attached to the membership.
26353 Membership

Query Builder: If a query contains sub-query, then the resulting list pages will fall back to Classic UI with correct data.

Note: List page implementation to support and handle sub-query results in Current UI is under development, hence the query results will be displayed in Classic UI until the development to support such queries are completed in Current UI.

26451 Membership When a membership is set with benefit flow down option, and if a child organization purchases that membership, then the parent organization will not receive the membership benefits from the child organization.
22933 Subscriptions While the SubscriptionRenewalMethod system option is set to OneInvoicePerRenewal, if you renew a subscription with tax applied using the subscription renewal process, the tax amount now gets added correctly to the subscription invoice during the renewal process.


The following list contains Current UI issue that was fixed in NetForum 2017.1.20 service pack. The Netsuite issue number is included for your reference.

Netsuite ID Product Area Description
26398 Fundraising

For Query Builder, when running a query for fundraising constituents, the system now returns the correct number of records on the List - Fundraising Constituent form and displays the results on the same UI. Also, after navigating to the constituent profile and browsing back to the list again will show the same number of records.

Note: The fix introduced through this Netsuite item has been reverted in the 2017.1.20.1 Patch. This Netsuite item is still open and not fixed. Any updates on this item will be communicated in the upcoming release notes.


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