This article describes the changes and resolved issues for this version of the product.
What's New Overview
Enhancements & Updates
The Customer Setup form on the CRM module has been updated to include Pronouns child form. This child form allows the user to create and update pronouns values in iWeb as per their association’s need and assign them to the individuals (eWeb & iWeb). The pronouns value added to the individual will display on the profile information panel and on the eWeb profile. Refer Adding a Preferred Pronouns Value topic for more details.
NetForum users can now export any scheduled report (baseline and custom) as an Excel report with a .xlsx file type (available on 2017.1.22 and upcoming service packages).
The Customer Setup form on the CRM module has been updated to include Gender child form. This child form allows the user to create and update gender values in iWeb as per their association’s need and assign them to the individuals in iWeb. Refer Adding a Gender Value topic for more details.
Breaking change: The HTML Report Page for Event Statistics has been deprecated from the system and is no longer available for use. It has been replaced by an RDL generated report, accessible from the same link.
UI Conversions
Below is the list of pages converted to the Current UI:
Module | Description |
Accounting | Accounting > Batch profile > Links > Pre-process batch (Batch Process Task) |
CRM | Organization profile > Correspondence tab > Notes > Add/Edit Notes |
Resolved Issues
The following list contains Classic UI issues that were fixed in NetForum 2017.1.22 service pack. The Netsuite issue number is included for your reference.
Netsuite ID | Product Area | Description |
25854 | Accounting | BluePay Integration: For transactions using BluePay payment gateway, now the system will not display ‘Credit Card Verification Value does not match. CVV Response Code: M’ error for correctly entered and matching CVV value of credit cards. |
25933 | Accounting | With the system option RegularFulfillmentOrTwoStepPackagingSlip set to regular and the system option RecognizeRevenueDuringFulfillment set to true; if an individual creates a terms invoice with shippable merchandise, pays the invoice from the Order Fulfillment Profile page and then voids the invoice and payment, the system no longer generates a validation error. |
26453 | Accounting | Now the first payment on discounted installment billing orders as well as subsequent payments goes directly to the revenue account. |
26171 | Accounting | The system now allows users to pre-process and close the batch without The GL Account is missing error for invoices related to booths that have been cancelled. |
24821 | Accounting | When returning or cancelling an invoice that uses an overridden price flag will no longer cause "The GL Account is missing" error while pre-processing the batch. |
26549 | Accounting | When returning or cancelling an invoice that uses an overridden price flag with a "partially paid" "deferred" item will no longer cause "The GL Account is missing" error while pre-processing the batch. |
26664 | Admin | Query Central: When a query is scheduled (that includes a link to a file) and delivered via Email, the receiver of the Email will now be able to see the full server path hyperlink in the Additional Information area and clicking the link will redirect to the query result file. |
21213 | Baseline Reports/Queries | For Events>Registrants>Query Central, when you click the Go button for any Event Registrant queries from the displayed list and try to clear the selected elements using the Clear Selected Data Elements button, the system no longer displays ‘Multiple controls with the same ID 'order_rdm_custom_currency_01' were found’ error. |
25552 | Baseline Reports/Queries | If a discount is applied to an invoice and a partial payment is made, the Customer Statement report now populates correct unpaid balance for the invoice in the Total Balance Due field on the report. |
25670 | CRM | For browsers with autofill login credential been enabled, the Add Individual form no longer pre-populates the E-mail, Designation and Password fields with invalid information. |
22528 | CRM | For Events Query Central, the output of the query now displays correct result with selected columns. |
24771 | CRM | An audience created using two queries of same or different objects can now be added to a mailing list with the count matching the audience’s query count. |
22122 | Events | The Product Price Attribute section has been removed from the Edit - Track Price form in this build. User can edit the price attributes for an event track using the Price Attributes great grandchild form available on the Event Track profile>General tab>Track Fees child form>Prices grandchild Form. |
26715 | Events | From the event profile, the Event Group Registration Wizard, if the user fails to select an event fee for the first registrant and then tries to add another registrant, the system now blocks the user with a message: No line items selected. until the event fee is selected for the registrant. This fix also applies for eWeb. |
25850 | Events | The Invoice Confirmation Email for Event Group Registration is now sent out to the Contact of the organization if the organization has no primary email address. |
22528 | Events | When the system option EndResponseOnRedirect is set to false, the user now be able to clear all data elements from Query central -Event Reg data elements form and no error will be displayed. User will be able to choose data elements, save and run queries. |
26769 | Events | With the system option DeleteMethod set to soft, if copying event from an event which has sessions with session fee and this session fee was soft deleted (by selecting hide/disable record? check box on the Edit Session Price form) before copying an event, the system no longer throws exception error while copying the event and the event gets copied successfully with all the selected data. |
26418 | eWeb | If a membership package has some required components, removing any of the required components from the line items field on the Shopping Cart | View form now removes the entire membership package components and if the optional component is removed then only that component gets removed from the Shopping Cart | View form. |
26694 | eWeb | New eWeb registrants can now purchase membership without getting error while submitting order on the Shopping Cart | Confirm your order page. |
26063 | eWeb | If an individual has multiple email addresses and one being marked as unlisted, now when searching the individual record on the eWeb > Member Directory, the Member Directory Search Result no longer displays the duplicate records for that member. |
25955 | eWeb | If a bundle product has some required items, removing any of the required items from the line items field on the Shopping Cart | View form now removes the entire bundle product and if the optional item is removed then only that item gets removed from the Shopping Cart | View form. |
24222 | Exhibits | The system now allows users to pre-process and close the batch without The GL Account is missing error for exhibitor cancellations where the booth price was changed while adding an exhibitor. |
23139 | Exhibits | Performance update in terms of populating the paid booth personnel results (from the Booth Personnel Fee field on the Add - Exhibitor Booth Personnel New form) when there is a large quantity of booth personnel fees data available in the system. |
24447 | Fundraising | When adding an assignment from a Moves or a Gift Opportunity profile, the Add Assignment form now auto-populates the opportunity and customer name in the Opportunity and Customer field respectively. |
26670 | Inventory | On voiding a proforma invoice created for a merchandise order, the inventory quantity committed (Qty Committed) available on the Inventory>Merchandise profile>Inventory child form is no longer subtracted from the remaining inventory. |
25984 | Membership | When trying to go from a paid 1-year package including membership and subscription to a free package and the free package renews back to the 1-year package, renewing to the free package, Membership Renewal Wizard no longer creates a duplicate subscription. |
25988 | Membership | Organizations now receive the inherited membership from the subsidiary if they have a qualifying relationship to receive the benefits. |
24932 | Membership | Membership Renewal Task: When a membership package is renewed twice, one with an unpaid proforma invoice and the other with a prepaid invoice, and later the proforma invoice is deleted. Running the membership renewal process now selects the membership for renewal after the proforma invoice is deleted. |
SC0701020 | Payment Processing | BluePay SDK: When processing payments with BluePay and the initial gateway request fails with an error of “The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel” then the first retry of the request should be done immediately. When the first retry fails with the same error, the second retry will pause 1 second before retrying. |
The following list contains Current UI issues that were fixed in NetForum 2017.1.22 service pack. The Netsuite issue number is included for your reference.
Netsuite ID | Product Area | Description |
26299 | Accounting | NetForum users can now transfer credits to a new customer using Credit Profile > Edit Credit. |
26881 | Baseline Reports/Queries | Query Builder: On Current UI, if you run a query with defined display columns, the query result list now shows all the defined display columns used in the query builder even when you switch the list results page from Current UI to Classic UI. |
26388 | CRM | On an Individual profile, when you edit and save the Source Code value in the Edit Name & Address form, the updated source code is still displayed when the edit form is opened again. |
26826 | Framework | Moving widgets or buttons in Form Designer will no longer disturbs the other widgets, child forms, and tabs on it. |
26741 | General | On List Pages, when you select some records (using Select Mode option) on the first result page and navigate to another result page for selecting the other records, the selected records now remain selected between both the result pages. |
26686 | General | Lookup search now displays No records found message if there is no record matching the search criteria. |