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What's New in NetForum Enterprise 2017.1.11


Below are all resolved issues in version 2017.1.11

--- Added for service pack items only, the fixed 'previous build' column. If the column is blank this indicates the item is new to 2017EP version.

Go to Service Pack: Service Pack 11

Go to Hotfix: Hotfix 1

This Service pack contains new features:

  • eWEB Gift Card
    • Enabling Gift Card Processing
    • Adding a Gift Card Product
    • Purchasing a Gift Card through eWeb
    • Redeeming a Gift Card through eWeb
    • Shopping Cart with Online Checkout
    • Purchasing a Gift Card through iWeb
    • Redeeming a Gift Card through iWeb
  • Installment Payments
    • Adding Schedule Setup in Business Unit
    • EnableEwebInstallmentPayments
    • Enabling the Installment payments for eWeb
    • Installment Payments on eWeb
    • Schedule Setup for Installment Payment
  • Stored Payments
    • Adding a Stored Payment Method
    • Deleting a Stored Payment Method
    • Editing a Stored Payment Method
    • EWebEnableStoredPayments
    • Setting up Stored Payment feature in netFORUM
    • SetWebBatchBusinessUnitByProduct
    • Shopping Cart with Online Checkout
    • Stored Payment Information
  • UI Page conversions
Module Description
Abstract [Current UI] [Conversion] Abstract - Reviewer Profile Conversion to Current UI
Accounting [Current UI] [Conversion] Accounting - Order Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Abstract Category
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Abstract Status
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Accreditation Status
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Accreditation Survey Type
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Accreditation Surveyor Status
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Accreditation Surveyor Type
Accreditation [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Accreditation Surveyor Type/status
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Accreditation Type
Accreditation [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Accreditation Type/status
Advertising [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Ad Size
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Assignment Role
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Author Type
Awards [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Award Category
Awards [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Award Fee Category
Awards [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Award Media
Awards [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Award Type
Certification [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Certificant Status
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Chapter Type
Subscriptions [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Classification
Accounting [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Client Remittance Contact Info
Accounting [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Collection Status
Committees [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Committee Type
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Contact Request Status
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Contract Status
Certification [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Course Type
Accounting [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Credit Reason
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Customer Request Priority
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Degree Area
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Degree Specialty
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Degree Type
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Event Category
Events [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Event Volunteer Type
Exhibits [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Exhibit Booth Type
Exhibits [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Exhibit Complementary Products
Exhibits [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Exhibit Priority Point Group
Time and Billing [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Expense Category
Time and Billing [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Expense Type
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Fax Type
Fundraising [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Fundraising Appeal Channels
Fundraising [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Fundraising Donor Category
Grants [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Grant Applicant Status
Grants [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Grant Program Expense Type
Subscriptions [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Industry
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Institutions
CRM [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Interest Codes
Subscriptions [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Job Title
E-Marketing [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Mailing List (edit/add)
Fundraising [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Major Gift Status
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Member Benefits
Membership [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Member Type
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Membership Termination Reason
CRM [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Name Suffix
Committees [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Nomination Status
Sales [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Opportunity Source
Sales [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Opportunity Stage
CRM [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Organization Type Eweb - Demographics
Accounting [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Payment Gateway
Fundraising [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Pledge Type
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Price Override Reason
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Product Affiliation Roles
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Product Format
Time and Billing [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Project
Time and Billing [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Project Task
Events [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Registrant Type
CRM [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Relationship Type
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Request Origin
Subscriptions [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Request Type
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Response Type
Events [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Ribbon Type
Sales [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Sales Assignment
Fundraising [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Soft Credit Type
E-Marketing [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Survey Response Status
E-Marketing [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Survey Types
General [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Surveyor Role
Fundraising [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit VIP Type
CRM [Current UI] [Conversion] Address Detail Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
Abstract [Current UI] [Conversion] Association Profile
Committees [Current UI] [Conversion] Committee Type Profile
Inventory [Current UI] [Conversion] Commodity Codes Profile Profile
CRM [Current UI] [Conversion] CRM - Individual - Chapter Officers Add/Edit Page Conversion to Current UI
Abstract [Current UI] [Conversion] Dues Profile
Fundraising [Current UI] [Conversion] Events - Event Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
Fundraising [Current UI] [Conversion] Fundraising - Gift Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
Fundraising [Current UI] [Conversion] Fundraising - Pledge Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
Fundraising [Current UI] [Conversion] Fundraising - Tribute Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
Accounting [Current UI] [Conversion] Grants - Grant Program Fund Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
CRM [Current UI] [Conversion] Household Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
Framework [Current UI] [NFR] Add ability to create new Current UI forms directly from front-end
Framework [Current UI] [NFR] Profiles should warn if the record is soft-deleted
Framework [Current UI] [NFR] Rendering needs to fail gracefully if a widget doesn't exist
Framework [Current UI] Add pages needed to redirect to the new profile after save is completed
Framework [Current UI] Add/Edit pages in Current UI need a title
CRM [Current UI] CRM - Individual - Add/Edit Individual Designation - Add section widget
CRM [Current UI] CRM - Individual - Add/Edit Individual Email - Add section widget
CRM [Current UI] CRM - Individual - Add/Edit Inherited Membership - Add section widget
CRM [Current UI] CRM - Individual - Add/Edit Name Alias - Add section widget
CRM [Current UI] CRM - Individual - Chapter Officers is not visible in child form after existing record is Edited
CRM [Current UI] CRM - Organization - Add/Edit Organization Email - Add section widget
CRM [Current UI] CRM - Organization - Add/Edit Organization Phone - Add section widget
CRM [Current UI] CRM_Individual/Organization_ProductsTab: The child-forms -Gift Cards Purchased- and -Gift Cards Redeemed- are missing in Current UI
Framework [Current UI] DropDown chained that has no options shows as readOnly
Framework [Current UI] Dropdown Override SQL needs to handle delimited option lists
Events [Current UI] Events - Event Tracks Page Conversion to Current UI
Framework [Current UI] Fix previously converted Add/Edit pages missing an internal section
General [Current UI] Import from Excel is not clickable in the Current UI list view
Inventory [Current UI] Inventory -> Fulfillment Order -> Overview -> Fulfill orders page the "Search" button is not displayed / working
Membership [Current UI] newUI_AssociationProfile_Membership_MemberType: member type cannot be created error raised 'Data validation error, required field(s) not set: Assocation' when member type is set with different values than inherited from Association
General [Black Duck] Remediate Black Duck Critical Issues: StatusBar.cs & ColorPickerTextBox control
Payment Processing [BluePay Hosted] Event Registrant Substitution - the "Enter Payment Details" is disabled with tooltip "Payment Amount Payment Amount cannot be converted to decimal."
CRM [Bluepay_external] Over payment is not getting voided on bluepay hosted payment
eWeb [eWEB Gift Card] Ability to configure a gift card to sell in eWeb - eWeb
eWeb [eWEB Gift Card] Ability to configure a gift card to sell in eWeb - iWeb
eWeb [eWEB Gift Card] eWeb Gift Card Redemption Page
General [Installment Payments] “Schedule setup” displays “Schedules” from all the BU, when SO "SetWebBatchBusinessUnitByProduct" is "True".
eWeb [Installment Payments] Confirmation number is not displayed on eweb shopping cart on installment payment
eWeb [Installment Payments] cpi_allow_online_payment_flag is not being updated when adding installment payment on eweb and selecting payment to "Save for future".
eWeb [Installment Payments] Credit card payment fields not displaying when Installment Schedule is selected and payment amount is less than a dollar eg. $0.08
General [Installment Payments] enable eWEB installments using iWeb
eWeb [Installment Payments] Implement Installment Payments in eWeb
eWeb [Installment Payments] Product level installments schedules setup are not loaded for national and chapter membership
Inventory [Installment Payments] Product Type and Name are not prepopulated on Add - Schedules SetupxProduct modal from publication profile
General [Installment Payments] Research and Design Installment Payments
eWeb [Stored Payments] "Enter Payment Details" button appears on the “Make a Pledge” and “Make a Donation” page when a Bluepay hosted payment is selected.
eWeb [Stored Payments] ACH Preferred Payment method doesn’t appear as “Preferred” on “My saved payment information” page.
eWeb [Stored Payments] ACH stored payment method is not set as “Preferred” at updating from Make a Pledge page.
eWeb [Stored Payments] Bluepay hosted payment preferred flag is not getting updated when customer selects the payment from “saved payment” eweb shopping cart checkout and set it to “Preferred”
eWeb [Stored Payments] Expired credit cards show in saved payments drop down list
CRM [Stored Payments] Manage saved payment information in iWEB
eWeb [Stored Payments] My Account - Manage saved credit cards in eWeb
eWeb [Stored Payments] Paypal Payment method is not showing on “Saved payment”
eWeb [Stored Payments] Preferred checkbox is not getting populated on the "Payment information" Page
Payment Processing [Stored Payments] Stored Payments - Eweb Enroll in Membership Autopay should include saved payments
Payment Processing [Stored Payments] Stored Payments - Eweb Make a Donation Page
Payment Processing [Stored Payments] Stored Payments - Eweb Make a Pledge page
Payment Processing [Stored Payments] Stored Payments - Pay Screen eWEB

Service Pack 11

Netsuite ID Module Description Previous Release
16753 Inventory In the Physical Inventory Count form the products are not listed Alphabetically 2017.1.10.2
18412 Development Toolkit The process to "add extender columns" to "meta data" has broken in "v. 2014 and UP" according to the steps to follow in the help. 2017.1.10.1
19488 Events ALL batches appear in batch drop down list on Payment screen on event cancellation Wizard when cancelling a registrant, regardless of security group.  
19869 CRM Childforms through netFORUM aren't ordered correctly by "md_dynamic_form_child.dyc_order"/ "md_dynamic_profile_detail.dpd_row"  
21145 Events Event Registrant Transfer Wizard: "Error: Payment method is Required../ Credit Card number is Required" with an invoice balance of $0.00 (zero) 2017.1.10.1
21371 CRM Childform "Invoice (voided)" only shows "voided" invoices and not "voided with adjustments" 2017.1.10.1
21815 Development Toolkit Cannot Copy sites using the CMS deploy content/Importing Website fails - FK_md_web_link_md_web_content_wbl_wbc_key added to md_web_link without ensuring data is compliant with FK. 2017.1.10.1
21858 CRM COE When an individual has a lot memberships, mailing list, addresses associated to it and there are different shipping products adding shipping takes a long time 2017.1.10.1
22296 Development Toolkit Bad formatting for "oe_product_type.ptp_key" values causes Stored Procedure "sc_merchandise_list" to fail when passing more than 1 ptp_key 2017.1.10.2
22634 CRM [Current UI] [NFR] New "Hide/disable record?" checkbox when editing records  
22819 Accounting SyncChapterAndSubscriptionDatesWithNational system causing subscription type DiscountProgram line item to be duplicated when renewing (2nd time) with a different membership package 2017.1.10.2
22881 CRM [Current UI] CRM: adding Organization without validation causes Organization hyperlink to link/redirect to "empty" profile 2017.1.10.2
23710 Accounting The "oe_order_detail.odd_void_flag" is not flipped to "1" when entire installment schedule "voided" 2017.1.10.1
23730 Fundraising [Current UI] "Popup Message" does not appear on the "Constituent Profile"/ only appears when accessing the CRM "Individual Profile" 2017.1.10.2
23814 xWeb Not applying a "discount source code" running method WEBCentralizedShoppingCartApplySourceCode 2017.1.10.1
23820 Events "Event Registration Wizard": the "co_individual" list table not respecting "DISTINCT" flag 2017.1.10.2
23857 Baseline Reports/Queries [Current UI] "Reports module": "Super Search" fails ("Server Error / The resource cannot be found" ) 2017.1.10.2
24023 CRM "Reminder emails" for "Assignments" not sent 2017.1.10.1
24031 CRM "Invoice confirmation" email is not sent to "Contact" selected for Organization/ or BCC'd email address from COE form 2017.1.10.2
24085 eWeb Changing the "Billing contact" does not update the "Bill to" fields (SO "TradeOrganizationFlag" = TRUE) 2017.1.10.2
24185 Accounting "Process payment batch" process does not put payments in current "iWeb" batch 2017.1.10.2
24276 Centralized Order Entry iWeb: "LowestPriceOnly" system option causing "prices" to not display in COE form 2017.1.10.2
24322 CRM Vantiv "payment method"/ "credit card" is "not saving" if it was "previously saved" for a different payment method 2017.1.10.1
24330 Framework [Current UI] Deleting a "grand child form" record results in error "Unfortunately, some features have failed to load." 2017.1.10.2
24364 Events "prc_allow_unpaid_orders_flag" is defaulting to "0" when adding a "new price" to a "Event Fee" causing the system to error out when creating a "proforma" invoice ("Error: EVENT must be paid in full. ") 2017.1.10.2
24365 Centralized Order Entry COE form: In-cart "Member" pricing does not support "price attributes" with a "region" 2017.1.10.1
24393 Accounting If a "one time" "deferred product" is purchased and then "return/cancelled" the system does not "Debit" the "deferred account" for the "credit" which is credited when the invoice is created 2017.1.10.2
24427 Membership "Transfer Membership" wizard: Membership Transfer inconsistent defaulting checkboxes logic ("invoice?" column) 2017.1.10.1
24448 CRM Accumail API Endpoint URL change 2017.1.10.1
24452 CRM Multiple issues sourced by the update from issue TFS 119396/ NS 23739 2017.1.10.1
24477 xWeb add credit at checkout 2017.1.10.2
24486 General [Current UI] After opening a corollary tab, clicking the "abila" logo to refresh page triggers error "Server Error in '/databasename/iWeb/Forms/AbandonSession.aspx' ("HTTP 404.The resource cannot be found") 2017.1.10.1
24494 Accounting PayFlowProProcessorVault passes wrong username to PayPal (error "User authentication failed" for RESPMSG) 2017.1.10.2
24495 eWeb "Welcome email" not being sent for "New Visitor Registration" 2017.1.10.2
24497 Baseline Reports/Queries "Check requisition" report "remit to" field not populating "country" 2017.1.10.1
24498 Baseline Reports/Queries "Check requisition" report not populating "country" for "Payable To" field 2017.1.10.1
24548 Fundraising $0.00 (zero) "Recurring Gifts" ("future date") should generate an "invoice" when created 2017.1.10.1
24562 E-Marketing If the "EmailModeTestDomains" system option is "NULL" or "configured" with the client's email domain, emails do not get sent from NFE 2017.1.10.1
24628 Accounting "Partially Recognized" deferred "full amount discount" Subscription results in an incorrect "negative invoice balance" when "Return/Cancelled" 2017.1.10.1
24662 Payment Processing Unable to process payment to  
24705 eWeb eWeb > Shopping Cart | "View" / "Confirm your order" pages: "Balance Due" incorrect in "Package" purchase 2017.1.10.1
24736 Inventory Voiding a PROFORMA invoice that has a non-$0.00 product along with a $0.00 product that has the "inventory tracked" sets the "Qty Committed" of the 0 (zero) product to a "negative" value 2017.1.10.1
24737 eWeb "Auto-apply" discounts not working  
24758 Inventory "Unpaid" line items on an "invoice with multiple line items" can be fulfilled (SO RecognizeRevenueDuringFulfillment = FALSE) 2017.1.10.2
24789 Accounting [Performance] Stored procedure "ac_batch_close_invoice_select" causing performance issues for customer that are using "old deferral process" on 2017 version 2017.1.10.2
24794 Accounting Two discounts on "installment payments" with Memberships causes custom "FlipMembershipDatesMethod" to fire twice 2017.1.10.2
24795 Accounting Batch "pre-process" gets stuck at 81% on "Writing Ledger Rows and/or Exceptions" when "GLEnableClassBasedAccounting" is enabled 2017.1.10.1
24858 General Improperly implemented baseline changes causing custom code to fail 2017.1.10.2
24875 Events "Individual registrant" not being created (in iWeb) when individual registers for an event online (via eWeb) 2017.1.10.2
24888 xWeb WEBWebUserLogin method no longer returns "ind_token" field 2017.1.10.2

Hotfix 1

Netsuite ID Product Area Description
17867 eWeb Deleting an "optional component" from the "Add Payment (iWeb)" screen or from the "eWeb Shopping Cart" removes then "entire package"
18633 Membership [18633 HF 2017] Terminating a National Membership Before a Chapter Membership Causes The Link Between Them to Break, Meaning They Can't Be Rejoined on the Same Invoice
21556 Fundraising When gift is created it is showing the wrong fund code in the gift child form in the constituent record
21596 Accounting When adding a payment to an open invoice that has a product line item with a sales tax, the ‘payment to apply’ field does not include the tax amount when ‘auto distribute payment’ is checked. Payment to apply appears less than amount due.
22164 Accounting "Delete Proforma" process fails if proforma has generated installment: “The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_ac_invoice_detail_oe_order_detail_schedule" "
22294 Fundraising "List Constituents": The “Email To This List” option is missing
22761 Inventory "DECLINED" Credit Card errors are not logged into "Fulfillment Exception" table [oe_fulfillment_exception]
23121 Fundraising Fundraising>Gift: when using a previously created "Gift Batch" is used for "Gift Batch Entry", certain values must pre-populate for gifts that are added to batch ONLY IF those values are selected the first time you set up gift batch
23326 Accounting Multicurrency: "Batch total" will have different rounding and wont be balanced (batch "pre-processing" error: "The Batch is not balanced")
23357 Membership Multicurrency: creates rounding error between "different currencies" and then Batches are not able to close ("Error: The Batch is not balanced")
23502 CRM "Edit contact info": saving a Customer who has a "blank phone number" causes "BlankUpdate Delete" logic to run prior to the UPDATE. The DELETE statement conflicted with REFERENCE constraint "FK_co_customer_co_customer_x_phone"
23568 CRM "Audience": "Run Query" does not return same results as the "Final Audience Count"
23696 eWeb eWeb: Error message when Registering for an Event with multiple FEEs selected [same FEE included in the Event Package]("Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation...")
23714 Membership "Query Builder": "Use Column" doesn't allow to compare data fields for "ac_customer_payment_info" table
24096 CRM "Individual Profile > Misc tab": "Survey" child form triggers an error upon opening child form - "Incorrect syntax near 'co_survey_response_edit'."
24128 CRM "Misc > Possible duplicate records" child form throws error "Incorrect syntax near 'co_individual_dup_check'."
24244 Subscriptions "Subscription Package Renewal" error "Invalid column name 'inc_cur_key'."
24295 Subscriptions "Subscription issue": "deferral" not recognizing correct "amount" for "Quarterly" by Issue
24362 eWeb Deleting an "optional component" from the "Add Payment (iWeb)" screen or from the "eWeb Shopping Cart" removes then "entire package"
24436 COI "COI > Request Profile": The "From" and "Reply To" added when entering a "scheduled message" does not save
24480 CRM "Add Individual"/"Edit name & address" forms: "State is required" when selecting another country outside of USA/ international address
24546 Accounting "Voiding" or "Cancelling" an "installment payment" Invoice does not update the "installment payment" Order
24707 Fundraising "Delete Proforma Invoice" task deletes "paid gift" records from other "non-proforma invoices"
24727 Fundraising "Constituent Profile > Giving Summary Statistics": Fund "summary statistics" incorrect when Gifts are "Voided"/ "Cancelled"/ "Adjusted"
24793 Baseline Reports/Queries "Customer statement" shows a large "credit balance" for the "Total Balance Due" and the "#error" where it should list the Customers Name and Address
24825 CRM [Current UI] Query Result page: "first", "previous", "next", and "last" navigation links/ Record uses "prior" dataset
24841 Framework Error sourced by FilePath property not returning an expected value
24849 General Windows 7 > Internet Explorer [Classic UI]: "NetFORUM" banner/bar at the top of the screen is "large" and the "top left menu" options are not available
24855 eWeb eWeb: When "renewing" membership and "Add a Donation", a "different"/"random" donation amount is added instead of the "selected" donation amount (SO LowestPriceOnly: true)
24889 CRM [Current UI] "Organization Profile": Unable to "add" Parent Organization (Error "Unfortunately, some features have failed to load...")
24912 eWeb eWeb: Bundles show "end dated" subscriptions
24927 Accounting "Process payment batch" process: There isn’t a way to "release records" that are not processed running the "payment batch process" for the "creating of payment" when the "generate installment payment" is run
24979 Accounting "Add Payment": Adding payment with "Stored Payment" credit card doesn't populate the "Card Number" and generates error "credit card number is Required"
24985 General Field input masks issue: Column set at "decimal2" allow "letters" and "special characters" input prior "saving" the record/ input mask doesn't work
25026 xWeb Xweb WEBWebUserGet and WEBWebUserLogin methods returns many empty child nodes



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