Service Pack 2017.1.12 contains the following breaking changes:
- .NET 4.6 Framework Upgrade – This service pack updates all NetFORUM Enterprise projects to the .NET 4.6 Framework. Minimum requirements for the 2017 version of NetFORUM Enterprise have always stated .NET 4.6 is required, however, not all the project targeted this version. With this service pack, this has been resolved and any custom code or objects that reference NetFORUM Enterprise assemblies with experience both a binary and source incompatibility.
- Resolution: To solve this breaking change all code projects that reference NetFORUM Enterprise assemblies should be open and their .NET Framework should be retargeted to 4.6 or later. Also, the .NET 4.6 Framework must be installed on the host operating system for the web server(s). IIS must be setup in Windows Features or Server Manager to check the box under Application Development Features that says ASP.NET 4.6 or 4.7 or 4.8 depending on what framework is actually installed and being targeted. You may target later frameworks than 4.6 but you still need IIS and that framework installed and working correctly.
- IdbN Interface Namespace Change – In the common assembly, there has always been a class named dbN which holds constants that represent tables, their prefixes, columns, and key & code columns. This class was enhanced in order to be easily updated as columns and tables change. Additionally functionality was added to the class and to the interface and the interface was moved into its own file so the stored procedure that automatically creates the dbN class code does not also bear the responsibility to create the interface. The interface was moved outside of the dbN class effectively changing its namespace from Avectra.netForum.Common.dbN.IdbN to Avectra.netForum.Common.IdbN.
- Resolution: Any code that references this interface directly will need to be opened and updated to point to the new interface namespace, recompiled and redeployed.
Below are all resolved issues in version 2017.1.12
--- Added for service pack items only, the fixed 'previous build' column. If the column is blank this indicates the item is new to 2017EP version.
Go to Service Pack: Service Pack 12
- This Service pack contains new features:
- LMS Catalog Sync (Freestone)
- Document Storage
- MIP Integration
- Crowd Wisdom Integration
- Adding and Editing Crows Wisdom Integration Settings
- Creating and Syncing Event product in Crowd Wisdom
- Creating and Syncing Publication Product in Crowd Wisdom"
- Credit Sync between netFORUM and Crowd Wisdom
- Crowd Wisdom Integrations setup
- Integrations
UI Page Conversions
Module | Description |
CEU | [Crowd Wisdom] Create Schema and Metadata to Support Additional Fields passed from Crowd Wisdom |
General | [Document Storage] NFE Integration Wrapup |
General | [Document Storage] NFE Integration Wrapup - add browse control to contact document |
General | [Document Storage] Document Storage Migration Tool - Create shell program |
General | [Document Storage] Document Storage Migration Tool - Main program |
General | [Document Storage] Document Storage Migration Tool - DEV Testing |
General | [Document Storage] Data Encryption CLI |
General | [Document Storage] NFE Integration Wrapup - report and export files |
Admin | [Document Storage] Update NFEP2017 to .NET 4.6 |
General | [Document Storage] Update NFEP2017- MVC Nuget package and dependent assemblies on several projects |
xWeb | [LMS Notifications] LMS Product Purchase Notification from netFORUM to Crowd Wisdom |
CEU | [LMS Sync] LMS Publications Catalog Sync - Freestone ONLY |
CEU | [LMS Sync] LMS Event Catalog Sync - Freestone ONLY |
General | [LMS Sync] Adding a Key Word via the standard "Edit - Keywords or Tags" page doesn't trigger the associated facade object's workflow |
CEU | [LMS Sync] LMS Event Catalog Sync,The event start date and post to date are not Sync correctly - Freestone ONLY |
CEU | [LMS Sync] LMS Event Catalog Sync:Deleting a price on event record (in netforum)is not deleted in Freestone - Freestone ONLY |
CEU | [LMS Sync] LMS Event Catalog Sync,Incorrect prices are sync into freestone if the sell online check box is unchecked and the prices are deleted from the price attribute |
Events | [LMS Sync] Keywords show in the "Edit Keywords & Tags" from event profile after being soft deleted |
Accounting | [MIP Integration] DEV Design and Code Review and Merge AND More |
Accounting | [MIP Integration] QA Support and Testing |
Accounting | [MIP Integration] QA Support and Testing |
Accounting | [MIP Integration] Fix issues with ac_gl_segment_detail table |
Accounting | [MIP Integration] Fix issues related to MIP SessionID when posting to MIP |
Framework | [Current UI] [NFR] DynamicEdit cancel button needs to return to prior page or refresh the form? |
General | [Current UI] Tab color changes when user clicks somewhere off the tab, which makes it look not selected. |
Framework | [Current UI] NewUI_Grand_Child_Forms: The edit Grand Child Form is duplicated |
Framework | [Current UI] Incorrect breadcrumbs |
Framework | [Current UI] FormDesign Extension Target Widget Key should be able to save as blank |
Framework | [Current UI] [NFR] Implement Multi-Select MVC widget type (Phase 1) |
Framework | [Current UI] Widgets on Add/Edit Pages Need Default Values |
General | [Current UI] [NFR] Confirm/Add front-end validation of all av_* datatypes |
Framework | [Current UI] UI metadata scripts need to avoid interfering with customer UI metadata (Phase 2) |
Framework | [Current UI] UI metadata scripts need to avoid interfering with customer UI metadata (Phase 1) |
CRM | [Current UI] Household Profile Page - Edit Demographics Misrender |
Membership | [Current UI] newUI_AssociationProfile_Dues_AssociationDuesProducts: the repective dues is not created under association dues product child form once membership package is created |
Framework | [Current UI] Add pages that redirect to a different profile in ClassicUI need to do the same in Current UI |
Framework | [Current UI] [NFR] Converter should automatically remove the word "Profile" from titles |
Exhibits | [Current UI] AddBoothType: missing tool tip to clarify booth type field |
Invertory | [Current UI] "Product Type" is not being auto populated when adding scedules from Inventory-> Product Type-> Add - Schedule setup x product |
Abstract | [Current UI] Add dyn metadata lock checks to historical page conversions |
CRM | [Current UI] Country Field under House hold edit embed form should not be in address sub form, as it impacts other areas as well. |
CRM | [Current UI] Error is logged in database when editing name and address of Customer |
Events | [Current UI] Error is logged when selecting an event from the "List Active Events" |
Framework | [Current UI] AbandonSession URL needs to handle lower case request strings |
Accounting | [Current UI] [Conversion] Accounting - Payment Batch Detail Profile Page Conversion to Current UI |
CRM | [Current UI] [Conversion] CRM - Advocacy Issue - Interests Add/Edit Page Conversion to Current UI |
CRM | [Current UI] [Conversion] CRM - Individual - Related Associations Add/Edit Page Conversion to Current UI |
CRM | [Current UI] [Conversion] CRM - Individual - Related individuals Add/Edit Page Conversion to Current UI |
General | [Current UI] [Conversion] Convert Schedule Setup x Product Add/Edit page |
Time and Billing | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit My Time |
Events | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Event Fee Category |
Accounting | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Currency |
CRM | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Language |
CRM | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Customer Request Activity |
Accounting | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Gl Account Type |
Certification | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Ceu Type |
Accreditation | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Accreditation Survey Scope |
Exhibits | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Exhibit Booth Category |
Advertising | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Advertising Color |
CRM | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Request Action |
Events | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Events Type |
Fundraising | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Fundraising Recognition Type |
E-Marketing | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Mailing List Type |
Accounting | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Media Code |
Events | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Event Staff Type |
E-Marketing | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Cost Package Setup |
CRM | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Designation |
CRM | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit CapWiz Task |
Moves Management | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Moves Series |
Exhibits | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Exhibitor Specialty Product Type |
Events | [Current UI] [Conversion] Add/Edit Event Speaker Type |
Advertising | [Current UI] [Conversion] Rate Card Category Profile |
Development Toolkit | [Current UI] [Conversion] Service Pack Profile |
CRM | [Current UI] [Conversion] Customer Request Activity Profile |
Admin | [Current UI] [Conversion] Group Profile |
Development Toolkit | [Current UI] [Conversion] List Table Profile |
Inventory | [Current UI] [Conversion] Shipping Region Profile |
Inventory | [Current UI] [Conversion] Tax Type Profile Profile |
Case Management | [Current UI] [Conversion] Case Category Profile |
Case Management | [Current UI] [Conversion] Case Workflow Process Profile |
Admin | [Current UI] [Conversion] Congressional Committee Profile |
Admin | [Current UI] [Conversion] Department Profile |
Inventory | [Current UI] [Conversion] Fulfillment Group Profile |
Admin | [Current UI] [Conversion] Roles Profile |
Accounting | [Current UI] [Conversion] Miscellaneous Transaction Profile |
Admin | [Current UI] [Conversion] Workflow Process Profile |
Development Toolkit | [Current UI] [Conversion] Demographic Group - Detail Profile |
General | [Current UI] [Conversion] Interest Code Profile Profile |
Inventory | [Current UI] [Conversion] Purchase Order Profile |
Events | [Current UI] [Conversion] Session Rooms Profile |
Exhibits | [Current UI] [Conversion] Exhibit Booth Type Profile |
Accounting | [Current UI] [Conversion] Merchant Account Settings Profile Profile |
Development Toolkit | [Current UI] [Conversion] Query Profile |
Inventory | [Current UI] [Conversion] Warehouse Profile |
Accreditation | [Current UI] [Conversion] Accreditation Profile |
Sales | [Current UI] [Conversion] Manager - Sales Rep Profile |
Events | [Current UI] [Conversion] Room Type Profile |
Fundraising | [Current UI] [Conversion] Solicitor Teams Profile |
Time and Billing | [Current UI] [Conversion] Time Billing Product Edit Profile |
CEU | [Current UI] [Conversion] CEU Overview Profile |
Accounting | [Current UI] [Conversion] Merchant Account Profile Profile |
E-Marketing | [Current UI] [Conversion] Messaging Campaign Profile |
COI | [Current UI] [Conversion] Reviewer Profile Profile |
Fundraising | [Current UI] [Conversion] Solicitor Team Member Profile |
CMS | [Current UI] [Conversion] Web Faq Subject Profile |
Certification | [Current UI] [Conversion] Course Participant Profile |
Fundraising | [Current UI] [Conversion] Ask Ladder (DL) Profile |
Moves Management | [Current UI] [Conversion] Moves Series Profile |
General | [Current UI] [Conversion] State/territory Profile |
Inventory | [Current UI] [Conversion] Bundle Product Profile |
Events | [Current UI] [Conversion] Events Location X Room Profile |
General | [Current UI] [Conversion] POC - Individual Profile Profile |
General | [Current UI] [Conversion] Advertiser Edit Dup Profile |
Certification | [Current UI] [Conversion] Course Profile |
Moves Management | [Current UI] [Conversion] Moves Stage Customer History Profile |
Events | [Current UI] [Conversion] Events Sponsor Fee Profile |
Certification | [Current UI] [Conversion] Exam Profile |
E-Marketing | [Current UI] [Conversion] Mailing List Detail Profile |
Accounting | [Current UI] [Conversion] Gateway Error Log Profile |
Advertising | [Current UI] [Conversion] Agency Profile |
Awards | [Current UI] [Conversion] Awards Profile |
Admin | [Current UI] [Conversion] Table Profile |
Fundraising | [Current UI] [Conversion] Ask Ladder Range (DL) Profile |
E-Marketing | [Current UI] [Conversion] Survey Profile |
Certification | [Current UI] [Conversion] Exam Participant Profile |
Fundraising | [Current UI] [Conversion] Gift History Profile |
Events | [Current UI] [Conversion] Events Sponsor Profile |
Admin | [Current UI] [Conversion] File Definition Profile Profile |
Inventory | [Current UI] [Conversion] Inventory Warehouse Detail Profile |
Accreditation | [Current UI] [Conversion] Accreditation Surveyors Area (detail) Profile |
Certification | [Current UI] [Conversion] Location Profile |
General | [Current UI] [Conversion] Event Staff Detail Profile |
Awards | [Current UI] [Conversion] Award Sponsor Profile |
Development Toolkit | [Current UI] [Conversion] Workflow Rule Profile |
Awards | [Current UI] [Conversion] Award Judge Profile |
Events | [Current UI] [Conversion] Events Registrant Group Profile |
E-Marketing | [Current UI] [Conversion] Prospect List Detail Profile |
Sales | [Current UI] [Conversion] Sales Commission Schedule Detail Profile |
Time and Billing | [Current UI] [Conversion] Project Task Profile |
Time and Billing | [Current UI] [Conversion] Project Profile |
General | [Current UI] [Conversion] Event Volunteer Detail Profile |
Moves Management | [Current UI] [Conversion] Moves Profile Profile |
Membership | [Current UI] [Conversion] Member Type Detail Profile |
Moves Management | [Current UI] [Conversion] Moves Stage Profile Profile |
Advertising | [Current UI] [Conversion] Contract Profile |
Exhibits | [Current UI] [Conversion] Exhibit Show Profile |
Certification | [Current UI] [Conversion] Certification Program Profile |
Certification | [Current UI] [Conversion] Course Provider Profile |
Fundraising | [Current UI] [Conversion] Planned Giving Profile |
Development Toolkit | [Current UI] [Conversion] Dynamic Form Profile |
Accounting | [Current UI] [Conversion] Deferral Header Profile Profile |
Events | [Current UI] [Conversion] Events Registrant Profile |
Fundraising | [Current UI] [Conversion] Fundraising Fund Code Profile |
Admin | [Current UI] [Conversion] Congressional Contact Profile |
Accreditation | [Current UI] [Conversion] Accreditation Survey Area (detail) Profile |
CEU | [Current UI] [Conversion] Individual (from CEU Module) Profile |
General | [Current UI] [Conversion] Individual P Profile |
Advertising | [Current UI] [Conversion] Product/Advertising Charge Product Profile |
Inventory | [Current UI] [Conversion] Discount Product Profile |
Sales | [Current UI] [Conversion] Opportunity Profile |
Membership | [Current UI] [Conversion] Membership Detail Profile |
Development Toolkit | [Current UI] [Conversion] Chapter Profile |
General | [Current UI] [Conversion] Price/merchandise (add) Profile |
Events | [Current UI] [Conversion] Events Registrant Profile > Transfer Wizard is not auto-populated |
Service Pack 12
Netsuite ID | Module | Description | Previous Release |
17867 | eWeb | Deleting an "optional component" from the "Add Payment (iWeb)" screen or from the "eWeb Shopping Cart" removes then "entire package" | 2017.1.11.1 |
18633 | Membership | Terminating a National Membership Before a Chapter Membership Causes The Link Between Them to Break, Meaning They Can't Be Rejoined on the Same Invoice | 2017.1.11.1 |
20961 | E-Marketing | Time is showing in date field on Prospect List Profile | |
21556 | Fundraising | When gift is created it is showing the wrong fund code in the gift child form in the constituent record | 2017.1.11.1 |
21596 | Accounting | When adding a payment to an open invoice that has a product line item with a sales tax, the ‘payment to apply’ field does not include the tax amount when ‘auto distribute payment’ is checked. Payment to apply appears less than amount due. | 2017.1.11.1 |
22164 | Accounting | "Delete Proforma" process fails if proforma has generated installment: “The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_ac_invoice_detail_oe_order_detail_schedule" " | 2017.1.11.1 |
22294 | Fundraising | "List Constituents": The “Email To This List” option is missing | 2017.1.11.1 |
22300 | Admin | "LogAllxWebActivity" system option displays an incorrect table name "ws_activity_fw_change_log" versus "ws_activity_log" | |
22355 | Baseline Reports/Queries | The "Gift Detail Report by Date Range" shows cancelled gifts | |
22761 | Inventory | "DECLINED" Credit Card errors are not logged into "Fulfillment Exception" table [oe_fulfillment_exception] | 2017.1.11.1 |
23064 | Framework | [Current UI] [NFR] Implement Widget Personalization ("Personalize" button) | |
23121 | Fundraising | NFR: Fundraising>Gift: when using a previously created "Gift Batch" is used for "Gift Batch Entry", certain values must pre-populate for gifts that are added to batch ONLY IF those values are selected the first time you set up gift batch | 2017.1.11.1 |
23186 | Accounting | Accouting>Delete Proforma Invoices Task : Error is displayed by "Delete Proforma Invoices" when you try to delete proforma invoices that has taxes/discount/shipping (ac_invoice_detail_additional records) | |
23326 | Accounting | Multicurrency: "Batch total" will have different rounding and wont be balanced (batch "pre-processing" error: "The Batch is not balanced") | 2017.1.11.1 |
23357 | Membership | Multicurrency: creates rounding error between "different currencies" and then Batches are not able to close ("Error: The Batch is not balanced") | 2017.1.11.1 |
23502 | CRM | "Edit contact info": saving a Customer who has a "blank phone number" causes "BlankUpdate Delete" logic to run prior to the UPDATE. The DELETE statement conflicted with REFERENCE constraint "FK_co_customer_co_customer_x_phone" | 2017.1.11.1 |
23568 | CRM | "Audience": "Run Query" does not return same results as the "Final Audience Count" | 2017.1.11.1 |
23696 | eWeb | eWeb: Error message when Registering for an Event with multiple FEEs selected [same FEE included in the Event Package]("Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation...") | 2017.1.11.1 |
23714 | Membership | "Query Builder": "Use Column" doesn't allow to compare data fields for "ac_customer_payment_info" table | 2017.1.11.1 |
24096 | CRM | "Individual Profile > Misc tab": "Survey" child form triggers an error upon opening child form - "Incorrect syntax near 'co_survey_response_edit'." | 2017.1.11.1 |
24128 | CRM | "Misc > Possible duplicate records" child form throws error "Incorrect syntax near 'co_individual_dup_check'." | 2017.1.11.1 |
24244 | Subscriptions | "Subscription Package Renewal" error "Invalid column name 'inc_cur_key'." | 2017.1.11.1 |
24295 | Subscriptions | "Subscription issue": "deferral" not recognizing correct "amount" for "Quarterly" by Issue | 2017.1.11.1 |
24362 | eWeb | Deleting an "optional component" from the "Add Payment (iWeb)" screen or from the "eWeb Shopping Cart" removes then "entire package" | 2017.1.11.1 |
24436 | COI | "COI > Request Profile": The "From" and "Reply To" added when entering a "scheduled message" does not save | 2017.1.11.1 |
24460 | eWeb | Security: Open Redirection / Cross-site Scripting (XSS) (Reflected DOM-based) | |
24480 | CRM | "Add Individual"/"Edit name & address" forms: "State is required" when selecting another country outside of USA/ international address | 2017.1.11.1 |
24546 | Accounting | "Voiding" or "Cancelling" an "installment payment" Invoice does not update the "installment payment" Order | 2017.1.11.1 |
24707 | Fundraising | "Delete Proforma Invoice" task deletes "paid gift" records from other "non-proforma invoices" | 2017.1.11.1 |
24727 | Fundraising | NFR: "Constituent Profile > Giving Summary Statistics": Fund "summary statistics" incorrect when Gifts are "Voided"/ "Cancelled"/ "Adjusted" | 2017.1.11.1 |
24793 | Baseline Reports/Queries | "Customer statement" shows a large "credit balance" for the "Total Balance Due" and the "#error" where it should list the Customers Name and Address | 2017.1.11.1 |
24824 | Fundraising | Fundraising Constituent > "Add a Donation": adding "recurring gift" does not set the "auto-pay installments" flag / "customer payment Info" in "Order Profile" | |
24825 | CRM | [Current UI] Query Result page: "first", "previous", "next", and "last" navigation links/ Record uses "prior" dataset | 2017.1.11.1 |
24841 | Framework | Error sourced by FilePath property not returning an expected value | 2017.1.11.1 |
24849 | General | Windows 7 > Internet Explorer [Classic UI]: "NetFORUM" banner/bar at the top of the screen is "large" and the "top left menu" options are not available | 2017.1.11.1 |
24855 | eWeb | eWeb: When "renewing" membership and "Add a Donation", a "different"/"random" donation amount is added instead of the "selected" donation amount (SO LowestPriceOnly: true) | 2017.1.11.1 |
24873 | Framework | [Current UI] [NFR] Mechanism needed to support extension execution & SQL execution, Widgets need mechanism to render a scalar SQL result | |
24889 | CRM | [Current UI] "Organization Profile": Unable to "add" Parent Organization (Error "Unfortunately, some features have failed to load...") | 2017.1.11.1 |
24901 | General | Sub-query deadlock when running "Order Installment Generation" task (ac_installment_billing.cs class GenerateNextInstallment method) | |
24912 | eWeb | Bundles show "end dated" subscriptions | 2017.1.11.1 |
24913 | CRM | Customer Request Profile: the "Activity" and the "Reason" are not displaying/populated (required fields) | |
24927 | Accounting | "Process payment batch" process: There isn’t a way to "release records" that are not processed running the "payment batch process" for the "creating of payment" when the "generate installment payment" is run | 2017.1.11.1 |
24973 | CRM | COE: "Installment payments" in COE causes error "...Timeout expired..." when Shopping Cart has numerous entries (10+ items) | |
24979 | Accounting | "Add Payment": Adding payment with "Stored Payment" credit card doesn't populate the "Card Number" and generates error "credit card number is Required" | 2017.1.11.1 |
24985 | General | Field input masks issue: Column set at "decimal2" allow "letters" and "special characters" input prior "saving" the record/ input mask doesn't work | 2017.1.11.1 |
25026 | xWeb | Xweb WEBWebUserGet and WEBWebUserLogin methods returns many empty child nodes | 2017.1.11.1 |