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What's New in NetForum Enterprise 2017.1.10


Below are all resolved issues in version 2017.1.10

--- Added for service pack items only, the fixed 'previous build' column. If the column is blank this indicates the item is new to 2017EP version.

Go to Service Pack: Service Pack 10

Go to Hotfix: Hotfix 1 Hotfix 2

This Service pack contains new features:

  • LMS Sync - LMS Credit and Catalog Sync (Crowd Wisdom)
    • Integrations
    • Freestone Integration setup
    • Creating and Syncing Publcation Product in Freestone
    • Creating and Syncing Event Product in Freestone
    • Credit Sync between netFORUM and Freestone
    • Adding and Editing Freestone Integration Settings
  • Careers Expansion
  • Enhanced eWEB Password Security
    • EWeb Login- Technical Information
    • Enhanced eWeb Password Security
    • EWebLoginSupportedSpecialChars
  • BluePay Card Swipe / Hosting
    • BluePay Mobile Card Swipe
    • BluePay hosted payment pages in iWeb and eWeb
  • UI Conversions
Module Description
Accounting [Current UI] "Customer Payment Info field" is displaying previously entered data.
Accounting [Current UI] "Payment info" field is getting greyed out after blank data selection.
General [Current UI] "Profile" Label should be removed from the breadcrumb,after the Profile page name .
Fundraising [Current UI] "Total donations received amount" always zero on the tribute profile page in Current UI
Framework [Current UI] [NFR] Implement Subforms in the Current UI
Framework [Current UI] [NFR] Lookup widgets do not chain immediately when selecting from option list
Framework [Current UI] [NFR] Lookup widgets when chaining to a dropdown do not auto-select the first option in the dropdown
Framework [Current UI] [NFR] Nested read-only logic
Framework [Current UI] [NFR] Update Test header in v2017 Current UI
Accounting [Current UI] Accounting - GL Account Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
Accounting [Current UI] Accounting - Invoice Detail Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
CRM [Current UI] CRM - Address, Phone & Fax Setup - Address Change Reason Add/Edit Page Conversion to Current UI
CRM [Current UI] CRM - Address, Phone & Fax Setup - Address Hold Type Add/Edit Page Conversion to Current UI
CRM [Current UI] CRM - Address, Phone & Fax Setup - Address Type Add/Edit Page Conversion to Current UI
CRM [Current UI] CRM - Address, Phone & Fax Setup - Bad Address Type Add/Edit Page Conversion to Current UI
CRM [Current UI] CRM - Address, Phone & Fax Setup - Country Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
CRM [Current UI] CRM - Address, Phone & Fax Setup - Phone Type Add/Edit Page Conversion to Current UI
CRM [Current UI] CRM - Address, Phone & Fax Setup - Regions Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
CRM [Current UI] CRM - Address, Phone & Fax Setup - Zones Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
CRM [Current UI] Customer Action Type Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
CRM [Current UI] Customer Request Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
General [Current UI] Edit tab label should show "Edit Page-name" , instead of just "Edit".
Fundraising [Current UI] Events - Session Profile Page Conversion to Current UI
Fundraising [Current UI] NewUI_Fundraising_GiftProfile: No change in Gift profile is saved
Accounting [Current UI] Payment_Info Label should get invisible when "Auto-Pay Installments?" checkbox is checked.
Framework [Current UI] Subpage Widget is not displaying the subpage choice in the WidgetEditModal
Fundraising [Current UI] Tribute label is not visible on the pledge profile .
Development Toolkit [Current UI] Unable to apply a Read-Only state to an entire SubForm on a main Form
Accounting [BluePay External] Auto Click Save/Submit Button
Payment Processing [BluePay External] BluePayHosted: Level 2 and Level 3 information is not reflected on bluepay terminal at using hosted payment form
Accounting [BluePay External] Code changes to support new hosted/mobile approach based on a new log table and querying the gateway
Accounting [BluePay External] Create new Receipt Page
Accounting [BluePay External] Design External Payment Log Table
Accounting [BluePay External] Handle Fulfillment Preauth
Accounting [BluePay External] Handle Installment/Recurring Payments from Add Invoice
Accounting [BluePay External] JQuery to remove Close Button from window
Accounting [BluePay External] Merge BP Branch to Main 2017 Branch
Accounting [BluePay External] Modify AC Insert methods for Credit and Misc Transactions to handle hosted payments
Accounting [BluePay External] Modify AC process payment method
Accounting [BluePay External] Paint Hosted checkout Form on Screen
Accounting [BluePay External] Paint Mobile checkout Form on Screen
Accounting [BluePay External] BLUEPAY
Accounting [BluePay External] Investigate extension or aspx page
Accounting [BluePay External] Investigate Mobile App fields
Accounting [BluePay External] Stored Payment Information -- CPI
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Accreditation Survey Area - Add
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Add Credit form
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Award Entry (child Form - Customer)
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Batch Gift Entry
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Centralized Order Entry
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Chapter Mass Payment Aspx Page
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- COE Apply Payment
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- COE Wizard Payment Multiple forms
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Event Registrant Substitution
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Event Sponsor Add
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Exhibitor New (add From Exhibitor Profile)
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Exhibitor Transfer - Cancel
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Exhibitor Transfer Wizard (payment)
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Fundraising Add Gift and Pledge
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Grant Program Fund
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Membership Transfer form
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Miscellaneous Transaction Add
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Org Mass Payment Aspx Page
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Registrant Transfer Wizard
Accounting [BluePay External] Update Form for new External Payment Flow -- Transfer Donation
General [BluePay Hosted] Create custom ACH Hosted Form
General [BluePay Hosted] Create custom Credit Card Hosted Form
Payment Processing [BluePay Hosted] Implement Customer Info data on hosted page and Miscellaneous Payment Fixes
Payment Processing [BluePay Hosted] Implement Hosted Page in eWeb - Add Hosted Payment Button to Submit order page
Payment Processing [BluePay Hosted] Implement Hosted Page in eWeb -- Create eWeb Hosted Payment Page
Payment Processing [BluePay Hosted] Implement Hosted Page in eWeb --PLACEHOLDER
General [BluePay Hosted] Launching Hosted Checkout Form
Payment Processing [BluePay Hosted] eWeb Research
Payment Processing [BluePay Hosted] Verify return URL is from BluePay
Accounting [BluePay] Mobile testing iweb
Sales [Careers Expansion] Data storage and display of activity log
Sales [Careers Expansion] Scheduling tasks for pulling data from SDK
xWeb [Careers Expansion] Update Careers API with Abila Credentials
Sales [Careers Expansion] Update SDK to support new activity
CEU [LMS Sync] LMS Event Catalog Sync - CrowdWisdom ONLY
CEU [LMS Sync] LMS Publications Catalog Sync - Crowd Wisdom ONLY
CEU [LMS Sync] Realtime LMS Credit Sync - Crowd Wisdom ONLY
CRM [NFEP Rebranding] netFORUM by Community Brands branding in netFORUM - eWeb
CRM [NFEP Rebranding] netFORUM by Community Brands branding in netFORUM - iWeb
eWeb [Password] Create the Password Policy System Settings
eWeb [Password] Implement Account lock out Policy
eWeb [Password] Implement Expiring Passwords in eWeb
eWeb [Password] Implement Password History
eWeb [Password] Implement Strong Password Requirements
eWeb [Password] Review the methodology of adding SaltBytes to the password and hashing algorithms used to both save the initial password and verify a password match


Service Pack 10

Netsuite ID Module Description Previous Release
19260 Accreditation Unable to view documents with special characters  
19379 Inventory Min/Max Discount Not working  
19710 Accounting Cannot apply credit when renewing membership with discount and installment payments (Part 1 & 2) 2017.1.9.2, 2017.1.9.3
20405 eWeb Alignment issues: eWeb Event Specific Demographic Display needs fix  
20716 Payment Processing When you process transactions through eWeb the batch name is going over as the default WEB batch name instead of the batch name that the actual payment was added 2017.1.9.1
20945 Events Soft deleted Event Sponsor Contact records still appear when editing/reviewing the Event Sponsor record  
21009 CRM Phone Country not being hidden in dropdown  
21347 Admin Typo in Admin > Task Scheduler > Credit Card Convertion to Vault  
21455 Events "Copy Event" form in "Create Event" wizard throwing connection error "The transaction is either not associated with the current connection or has been completed." 2017.1.9.3
21695 Accounting Duplicate Currency Codes are allowed  
21859 Events Event Session Scheduler drag and drop not accurate 2017.1.9.1
21975 xWeb If discount "end date" is today, xWeb method WEBCentrlizedShoppingCartApplyDiscountCode fails  
22073 COI System option "COISurveyTypeCode" is set to "COI" but no "Marketing>Survey Type" of "COI" exist 2017.1.9.3
22311 eWeb AddressCorrection: "Group1" address validation fails for International Address 2017.1.9.1
22320 eWeb "Media Code" of Web is not automatically applied to invoices created on eWeb 2017.1.9.3
22440 Committees Committee "end date" is including "time stamp"  
22603 Events "Event statistics" not calculating properly after changing from “free event” to non-“free event” 2017.1.9.3
22678 Accounting Price "term" (prc_ptr_key) is wiped out when updating a price that hides "prc_ptr_key" control  
22766 Accounting Deferred discounts with mid-month start date not recognizing correctly 2017.1.9.3
22785 Inventory When purchasing a Bundle in "iWeb" or "eWeb" that contains a Subscription, the system is "requiring" entry of "BPA" information("qualified date is Required") 2017.1.9.1
22832 CRM "Quick Report" Server error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when "table join" includes a "variable" value (e.g. "{CurrentUserName}" ) 2017.1.9.3
22888 eWeb Multicurrency > eWeb: Shipping Charge not added to additional shippable product and calculation is incorrect 2017.1.9.1
22947 Inventory "Order Fulfillment" Process can duplicate fulfillments for Orders when running in parallel sessions 2017.1.9.1
23203 Accounting "Transfer Credits>Transfer Credit From One Customer To Another" form: the most "recent" Individual record viewed is "auto populated" as "transfer from"  
23265 Accreditation Baseline "CEU Credit Generation" task "timing out" (Timeout location: method EstimatedRecordCount in Batch.cs) 2017.1.9.1
23356 Accounting Unable to "Add Miscellaneous Transactions" to a customer who has a "linked" address or "does not have an address" (Error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation) 2017.1.9.3
23374 E-Marketing Communicate - "Mailing type" control is empty when there are "mailing types" setup and the "start date" is empty 2017.1.9.3
23427 Inventory Discount not applied because "DiscountUsed" ("number of uses") doesn't take into account "Cancelled/Returned" invoices 2017.1.9.3
23469 CRM Individual/Organization names with quotation mark/apostrophe: "md_recent_activity.mra_text" content did not insert into "md_recent_activity" table - Error "Unclosed quotation mark after the character string..."  
23556 CRM [Current UI] "Hide Sidebar": Hiding the "group item" link menu in iWeb does not remain "hidden" during navigation 2017.1.9.3
23618 eWeb [Current UI] Individual's organization hyperlink goes to "empty"/ "deleted" profile in iWeb if it was added in eWeb (without validation) 2017.1.9.3
23778 E-Marketing "Edit Prospect List Detail" form: “Transfer This Record to Permanent Database” does not complete the transfer 2017.1.9.1
23802 CRM [Current UI] "Force User to Change Password" box is not functioning properly 2017.1.9.3
23961 CRM "CEU Credit Generation" task: when generating CEU credits, the system shows its been generated but when you check its not there (Event with FEEs and FREE Event) 2017.1.9.1
24020 CRM [Current UI] Caching issue: Uploading an "image" to an "Organization Profile" clears the "Individual Profile image/photo" from the organization’s Primary Contact 2017.1.9.1
24062 eWeb Mixed/ Unsecure Content Error on HTTPS - Unable to see "Map" 2017.1.9.1
24116 Accounting Subscriptions that are "taxed" and "deferred", then "cancelled" after "revenue has been partially recognized" are not returning the proper amount of "tax" 2017.1.9.3
24122 General The error: "Hashtable insert failed. Load factor too high. The most common cause is multiple threads writing to the Hashtable simultaneously." is filling the error log.  
24140 eWeb [Alignment]: "My Full Contact Info"/ "My Contact Information" page fields are not aligned properly 2017.1.9.1
24172 Baseline Reports/Queries Report Accounting|Invoice| Customer Statement ("ac_invoice_detail_customerstatement") does not complete 2017.1.9.1
24194 Fundraising "Auto Soft Credits" are not generated if relationship "START date" is "NULL" or "END date" is "NULL"  
24204 Accounting "Batch Close" process logs an error regarding "ExecuteReader" transaction properties 2017.1.9.3
24270 CRM "ixo_rlt_key" field dosen't update when "ixo_rlt_code" is updated  
24291 Admin Column set at "decimal2" allow "letters" and "special characters" input prior "saving" the record/ input mask doesn't work 2017.1.9.3
24317 Accounting Invoice created but "missing payments" in NF and "Payment Processor" 2017.1.9.3
24323 Payment Processing Error when running "Credit Card Conversion to Vault" Task: "Could not load file or assembly 'CreditCardVaultConversionTask' or one of its dependencies."  
24349 Baseline Reports/Queries "Export to ASCII Delimited/CSV": "New line"/ "carriage return" in column causes export to generate "blank rows"/"blank record" (view in excel) 2017.1.9.3
24389 Accounting Accounting Period: "Deferral Revenue Available for Recognition" report showing up "Beginning Balance" for invoice that was "cancelled" in "previous period" 2017.1.9.3
24423 Accounting "Add Payment" wizard: when you convert a "proforma" invoice to an "installment payments" invoice, it shows "payment amount" for the first TWO payments even though only the FIRST payment is due 2017.1.9.3
24425 Membership Member Transfer invoice amounts still calculating incorrectly 2017.1.9.3
24432 COI "COI > Request Profile": The “Refresh List” button adds the ALL the individuals to the "Call to Action" 2017.1.9.1
24433 COI "COI > Request Profile": When you click the “Edit” button TWICE, it adds ALL the individuals to the "Request"/ "Call to Action" 2017.1.9.1
24448 CRM Accumail API Endpoint URL change  
24449 Exhibits "Exhibit Profile": Unable to "add sponsor" to "Exhibit" (Error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation) 2017.1.9.3
24456 Membership Auto-pay membership > "Add - Customer Payment Info" form: the form does not automatically populate customer information  
24478 Centralized Order Entry iWeb: PayPal timeout not triggering an error (invoice will not be created) (SO: PaymentProcessingModel = Single Provider (Legacy) )  
24483 Accounting "Transfer Credits" form: Cannot transfer Credit  
24484 CRM Accumail integration broken due to hardcoded endpoint  
24486 General [Current UI] After opening a corollary tab, clicking the "abila" logo to refresh page triggers error "Server Error in '/databasename/iWeb/Forms/AbandonSession.aspx' ("HTTP 404.The resource cannot be found")  
24505 eWeb [Security]: you can input characters to run "cross-site" references and scripts. eweb is vulnerable to css attacks because of this  
24514 Baseline Reports/Queries Query Builder Tool: "Group By" on Query not working (Error: "Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type.")  
24526 Accounting Cannot "re-add" payment to "installment payments" Invoice in which payment(s) have been "Voided with Adjustments"  
24536 Fundraising "Constituent Profile": "Lifetime amount"/ "YTD amount"/ "Count" / "First gift amount"/ "Highest gift amount" including "written off" gifts 2017.1.9.3
24570 CRM "Individual Profile > Sales": "Individual - sales assignments" child form missing "delete" flag 2017.1.9.3
24609 General [Current UI] Unable to "edit" MVC modal windows (missing "Form Designer" icon)  
24626 CRM [Current UI] Organization Profile: "End IP address" field missing from "IP Address Range" form (Error "Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.")  
24632 Admin SMTP SendMail Reports an exception when retrying SendMail 2017.1.9.3

Hotfix 1

Netsuite ID Product Area Description
18412 Development Toolkit The process to "add extender columns" to "meta data" has broken in "v. 2014 and UP" according to the steps to follow in the help.
21371 CRM Childform "Invoice (voided)" only shows "voided" invoices and not "voided with adjustments"
21815 Development Toolkit Cannot Copy sites using the CMS deploy content/Importing Website fails - FK_md_web_link_md_web_content_wbl_wbc_key added to md_web_link without ensuring data is compliant with FK.
21858 CRM COE When an individual has a lot memberships, mailing list, addresses associated to it and there are different shipping products adding shipping takes a long time
23710 Accounting The "oe_order_detail.odd_void_flag" is not flipped to "1" when entire installment schedule "voided"
23814 xWeb xWeb: Not applying a "discount source code" running method WEBCentralizedShoppingCartApplySourceCode
24023 CRM "Reminder emails" for "Assignments" not sent
24322 CRM Vantiv "payment method"/ "credit card" is "not saving" if it was "previously saved" for a different payment method
24365 Centralized Order Entry COE form: In-cart "Member" pricing does not support "price attributes" with a "region"
24427 Membership "Transfer Membership" wizard: Membership Transfer inconsistent defaulting checkboxes logic ("invoice?" column)
24448 CRM Accumail API Endpoint URL change
24452 CRM Multiple issues sourced by the update from issue TFS 119396/ NS 23739
24486 General [Current UI] After opening a corollary tab, clicking the "abila" logo to refresh page triggers error "Server Error in '/databasename/iWeb/Forms/AbandonSession.aspx' ("HTTP 404.The resource cannot be found")
24562 E-Marketing If the "EmailModeTestDomains" system option is "NULL" or "configured" with the client's email domain, emails do not get sent from NFE
24628 Accounting "Partially Recognized" deferred "full amount discount" Subscription results in an incorrect "negative invoice balance" when "Return/Cancelled"
24705 eWeb eWeb > Shopping Cart | "View" / "Confirm your order" pages: "Balance Due" incorrect in "Package" purchase
24736 Inventory Voiding a PROFORMA invoice that has a non-$0.00 product along with a $0.00 product that has the "inventory tracked" sets the "Qty Committed" of the 0 (zero) product to a "negative" value
24737 eWeb eWeb: "Auto-apply" discounts not working
24795 Accounting Batch "pre-process" gets stuck at 81% on "Writing Ledger Rows and/or Exceptions" when "GLEnableClassBasedAccounting" is enabled
24497 Reports "Check requisition" report "remit to" field not populating "country"
24548 Fundraising $0.00 (zero) "Recurring Gifts" ("future date") should generate an "invoice" when created
21145 Events Event Registrant Transfer Wizard: "Error: Payment method is Required../ Credit Card number is Required" with an invoice balance of $0.00 (zero)
24498 Reports "Check requisition" report not populating "country" for "Payable To" field

Hotfix 2

Netsuite ID Product Area Description
16753 Inventory In the Physical Inventory Count form the products are not listed Alphabetically
19869 CRM Childforms through netFORUM aren't ordered correctly by "md_dynamic_form_child.dyc_order"/ "md_dynamic_profile_detail.dpd_row"
22296 Development Toolkit Bad formatting for "oe_product_type.ptp_key" values causes Stored Procedure "sc_merchandise_list" to fail when passing more than 1 ptp_key
22819 Accounting SyncChapterAndSubscriptionDatesWithNational system causing subscription type DiscountProgram line item to be duplicated when renewing (2nd time) with a different membership package
23730 Fundraising [Current UI] "Popup Message" does not appear on the "Constituent Profile"/ only appears when accessing the CRM "Individual Profile"
23820 Events "Event Registration Wizard": the "co_individual" list table not respecting "DISTINCT" flag
23857 Baseline Reports/Queries [Current UI] "Reports module": "Super Search" fails ("Server Error / The resource cannot be found" )
24031 CRM "Invoice confirmation" email is not sent to "Contact" selected for Organization/ or BCC'd email address from COE form
24085 eWeb Changing the "Billing contact" does not update the "Bill to" fields (SO "TradeOrganizationFlag" = TRUE)
24185 Accounting "Process payment batch" process does not put payments in current "iWeb" batch
24276 Centralized Order Entry "LowestPriceOnly" system option causing "prices" to not display in COE form
24330 Framework [Current UI] Deleting a "grand child form" record results in error "Unfortunately, some features have failed to load."
24364 Events "prc_allow_unpaid_orders_flag" is defaulting to "0" when adding a "new price" to a "Event Fee" causing the system to error out when creating a "proforma" invoice ("Error: EVENT must be paid in full. ")
24393 Accounting If a "one time" "deferred product" is purchased and then "return/cancelled" the system does not "Debit" the "deferred account" for the "credit" which is credited when the invoice is created
24477 xWeb add credit at checkout
24494 Accounting PayFlowProProcessorVault passes wrong username to PayPal (error "User authentication failed" for RESPMSG)
24495 eWeb "Welcome email" not being sent for "New Visitor Registration"
24758 Inventory "Unpaid" line items on an "invoice with multiple line items" can be fulfilled (SO RecognizeRevenueDuringFulfillment = FALSE)
24789 Accounting [Performance] Stored procedure "ac_batch_close_invoice_select" causing performance issues for customer that are using "old deferral process" on 2017 version
24794 Accounting Two discounts on "installment payments" with Memberships causes custom "FlipMembershipDatesMethod" to fire twice
24858 General Improperly implemented baseline changes causing custom code to fail
24875 Events "Individual registrant" not being created (in iWeb) when individual registers for an event online (via eWeb)
24888 xWeb WEBWebUserLogin method no longer returns "ind_token" field



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